Peter Heltzer

Peter Heltzer

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Posts by Peter Heltzer

Goat Droppings Goes Recursive


As many of you know, every year at Capricon we produce a daily newsletter with updates to the programming schedule, interviews with the Guests of Honor, the ever popular Out of CONtext notes, and other important Phandemonium and Capricon related news. And we know that sometime you just can’t find a copy of the newsletter at the con, or you’ve lost your copy, or you just weren’t there but don’t want to feel left out.  Well here you go for your reading pleasure. We have the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday editions of Goat Droppings (The Dead Tree version now with less dead trees). We’ll post the Sunday and Post-Con editions just as soon as the flying monkeys finish converting the paper to electrons.

Capricon 31 – Thursday Goat Droppings

Capricon 31 – Friday Goat Droppings

Capricon 31 – Saturday Goat Droppings

Well that was fun…


Thanks to all of you who came out for Capricon this year. It was fun. Hope you can say the same. But… the fun’s not over yet. Beware the Ides of Phandemonium. Come join us for the Ides of Phandemonium Zombie Goat Party at the RAM restaurant in Wheeling, just across from the hotel Tuesday night (2/15) at 7PM. Just because Capricon’s over doesn’t mean Capricon has to end.

Open board meeting


Phandemonium open board meeting going on right now. Come vote for the two new board of directors

Bryan Palaszewski Update


Quick update… Bryan will now be joining us at 11:30 am today in River C, by teleconference to give his lecture “NASA Human Missions to Asteroids and Other Fine Places.”

Capricon’s Book Drive


Capricon’s Book Drive:  The Science Fiction Outreach Project

A team of science fiction fans is planning to go to WonderCon, April 1-3, 2011, and give away six pallets of FREE BOOKS! WonderCon, held annually in San Francisco, attracts 34,000 people to a celebration of comics and fantasy media. This team of fans, affiliated with the World Science Fiction Convention, intend to establish an outpost at WonderCon, and reach out to the science fiction and fantasy readers who pass through the exhibit hall. Along with a free book, these readers will be given information about the amazing things going on in the “fannish” community, including Worldcons and regional conventions.

Many fans have often contemplated a trimming of their book collections. Don’t just recycle your books — donate them to this project so they can be the lure for new fans!  Books can be dropped off at the Greening table, next to convention registration.

Bryan P. Update


Hey folks, just a quick update.

Due to obligations with NASA, Bryan P. (I’m not going to try and spell his last name from memory… sorry) will not be able to attend Capricon this year. He had been hoping that the obligations facing him would clear up in time for him to make the trip this weekend, unfortunately things didn’t work out that way.

We’re sorry about the late notice, but we just found out ourselves.

Food drive at Capricon


We mentioned before that we’ll be running a food drive at Cap this year, and some of you have asked for more detail… So here you go:

Our food drive supports the Vernon Township Food Pantry, a local food pantry near the convention hotel (we like to give back to the community we’re in). The food pantry serves senior citizens, the disabled, and low income families with non-perishable food. The Vernon Township Food Pantry’s goal is to provide nutritionally balanced food to individuals and families in need. At the present time, they serve over 150 families each month. Due to the economy, the township anticipates more families will need the services the township provides. The township will only be able to meet this challenge because of the thoughtful contributions from people like you. Your generosity will enable the food pantry to make an immediate difference in the lives of the less fortunate families of Vernon Township.

Capricon Approaches…


That’s right it’s just two days until Capricon starts. Opening Ceremonies Thursday night! Escape! the mundane world for the weekend. If your circumstances allow we have programming going on all day on Friday so make sure you come and join us. We really do mean it when we say we’re a four day con. Check out the programming schedule on the website.

Dr. Horrible needs your help!


Want to be on stage in front of all of Capricon?  We’ve got the perfect opportunity!  On Saturday at 7pm, we will have a LIVE performance of Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog – it’s THE event of the con!  We need a Fan Boy and Fan Girl to help out with the song “The Perfect Story”, so if you can carry a tune and have a lot of enthusiasm, we want YOU!  Contact the director, Ruth P. at if you’re interested.  (Must be available Friday during the day for some rehearsal, and Saturday for final rehearsal and performance.)

Hotel Reservation Emails


Just a quick note to let those of you who have reservations with the hotel for Capricon to not panic. The hotel sent out a mass email confirming everyone’s hotel rooms. Unfortunately they all had the wrong dates on them. It was a mistake, the hotel is aware of the issue. They are fixing it and another email will be sent out with the correct information. Please disregard the emails you received from the hotel with the incorrect dates.

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