To pre-register for Capricon 45, head to the Registration Website to secure your membership!
Registration Cost
Weekend Memberships (through the entire convention, Thursday through Sunday)
(See below for descriptions)
Friend of Capricon $95
Adult (Age 25+) $75
Young Adult (Age 16-24) $50
Youth Age (Age 10-15) $25
Kid-in-Tow (Age 0-12) $0
Accessibility Helper $20
Day Memberships (these will become available to purchase as of January 28th)
Thursday $20
Friday $35
Saturday $40
Sunday $20
Young Adult
Friday $25
Saturday $30
Friday $20
Saturday $25
Accessibility Helper
Any day $10
Upgrades to Day Badges
In case you purchase a badge and find yourself wanting to return the next day (or days), please visit the Registration Desk and ask to upgrade your membership. The following upgrade prices are available on-site:
From Thursday badge to Weekend $55
From Friday badge to Weekend $40
From Thursday & Friday badges to Weekend $35 (must have purchased both Thursday & Friday day badges)
Young Adult
From Thursday Young Adult badge to Young Adult Weekend $30
From Friday Young Adult badge to Young Adult Weekend $25
From Thursday & Friday Young Adult badges to Weekend $5 (must have purchased both Thursday & Friday Young Adult day badges)
From Thursday Youth badge to Youth Weekend $5
From Friday Youth badge to Youth Weekend $5
*The Fine Print: Rates are subject to change without notice**.
**We aren’t anticipating doing so, but friends of ours who are lawyers say we should put in the disclaimer anyway…
If you have any questions about registering for the convention, you can email with any questions or concerns.
(Want to see if you’re pre-registered? You can head over to and log in to check.)
Want to donate to Phandemonium, Inc, the parent organization for Capricon? You can do so by scanning the QR code below, or donating via PayPal. Donations can be made at any time, whether or not you have purchased a membership, and may be tax deductible.

Membership Descriptions
Friend of Capricon
Capricon is struggling financially. If you can afford to pay more for your membership and would like to help Capricon rebuild, then you can become a Friend of Capricon. You’ll receive our eternal gratitude and a Friend of Capricon ribbon to wear at the con!
Adult (Age 25+)
This membership level is available to any adults who would like to attend Capricon, whether at the weekend rate or individual day rates. We do recommend purchasing the weekend membership as early as possible to get the best discount.
Young Adult
This reduced rate membership level is available for ages for young adults between the ages of 16 and 24. It can be purchased independently, and can be associated with KiT and Youth memberships.
This reduced rate membership level is available for children ages 10 – 15 and must be purchased with an Adult or Young Adult membership. Children with a Youth membership are welcome to wander convention space independently with the understanding that their responsible adult must also be present at the convention. We reserve the right to require the child to be accompanied by an adult in the event of concerns over behavior.
Kid-in-Tow (KiT)
This free membership level is available for our younger audience – under the age of 12 at the time of the convention – with the purchase of an Adult or Young Adult membership. Multiple KiT memberships may be associated with a single Adult membership. As Capricon does not provide child care, children with a KiT membership must be accompanied by their responsible adult while in convention space, including while attending Children’s Programming. Any Kid-in-Tow found unattended at the con will be escorted to the Operations department so the parents can be located. Children between the ages of 10-12 also have the option of a Youth membership, which will allow them to be independent at the convention..
Accessibility Helper
Members who need the assistance of an additional person to access Capricon can purchase a Helper badge alongside their membership with a limit of 1 helper per full membership. The Helper badge may be transferred daily, exchanging the previous helper’s badge for one with the appropriate name.
Some examples of assistants include:
- Someone to help a person with mobility needs to get around the convention, and carry their possessions
- An ASL (or other language) interpreter
- A guide to aid those who are blind or have related disabilities read signage and travel through the convention space
- A someone to care for / help a child with disabilities or other access needs participate in convention events alongside their parent
We rely on the honor system and do not require any documentation for you to purchase this badge. If a designated Helper will be independently participating in the convention, beyond their Helper role, please purchase an Adult or Young Adult badge instead, as this helps support fee waivers for others. Support/service animals do not require this badge.
We charge a nominal fee to cover convention overhead, but this can be waived for need on request. If you can afford to purchase a full-price membership for your assistant, please consider doing so, as this will help subsidize any fee waivers.
Email to request a fee waiver or if you have any questions.
Day memberships will go on sale closer to the convention.
How do I transfer my membership to another person?
If life happens and you need to transfer your membership to another person, please send an email to with your registration details (email, mailing address) as well as the details of the person you are transferring your membership to (name, email, mailing address) then collect any monies due from the person you are transferring your membership to.