Last Update: | Volunteer InformationAn Invitation and a Challenge:THE INVITATIONWe want you! Not only do we want you, WE NEED YOU!Capricon is a 100% volunteer-run organization. That is one of the most amazing things about fandom, how we accomplish purely through peoples' willingness to share their time and skills. And while being on the ConCom requires a year-long commitment, helping at Capricon can take as little as ONE HOUR of your time. That's right, all we ask is that you give ONE HOUR of your time. And it can be almost anywhere in the convention. I mean, you see the volunteers who badge at the doors to our convention spaces, but volunteers also work in Art Show, Con suite, Registration, Films, Load-In/Out, Dealers, Programming, everywhere. Where do you want to help? Check out the Gophers table by Reg each day to see what you can do. THE CHALLENGEOf course if you want to volunteer for more time, we're all for it. As much as you like, we're up for it. But year after year the same people run themselves ragged helping us out and we want to change that. So, here's the challenge: IF you haven't volunteered before, volunteer just one hour at the convention this year. IF you have volunteered before, drag in one person who hasn't. That's all. It's so simple, there's no reason not to do it. Right? THE PAYOFFThe satisfaction you get from knowing you were a vital part of a really cool event. Wait, that's not all! If you volunteer 16 hours during Capricon you can get your registration refunded. But wait, there's more! If you volunteer on Thursday afternoon and/or Sunday your hours are worth double. Can't believe it? We're not done yet! If a place to sleep is more important than getting your registration back you can stay in our Gopher Hole by volunteering just 4 hours that day. Need a place to sleep for more than one night? Work 4 hours each day. It's that simple. Want to do both?Well, work 4 hours per day for your sleeping place, and an additional 16 on top of that over the course of the whole weekend (keeping in mind that Thursday and Sunday get you double hours) and you get your registration back too. |