General Phandemonium Code of Conduct

Ratified 19 December 2023

Phandemonium, (Capricon’s parent organization) Capricon, and various affiliated outreach events exist for the enjoyment and enrichment of the fannish community. To ensure that the greatest number of people achieve this objective, we have established this Code of Conduct. By this Code, we seek only to ensure that the behavior of any individual or group does not disturb the membership as a whole, nor does it detract from the overall enjoyment of our events.

It is important that you read and understand this Code. Anyone who attends a Phandemonium event, including Capricon, is expected to follow this Code for the entire duration of the event, including any informal pre- or post-event activities.

Phandemonium reserves the right to amend these rules at any time without prior or posted notice and reserves the sole right of interpretation. Please keep in mind that these rules are put in place to ensure the safety and comfort of our attendees. They are not all-inclusive. In all cases, the singular rule that supersedes all others is, “Any action or behavior that is illegal or causes significant interference with event operations, excessive discomfort to other attendees, or adversely affects Phandemonium’s relationship with its guests, its venue, or the public is strictly forbidden and may result in revocation of membership privileges.”

Although we anticipate no difficulties, Phandemonium is prepared to deal with any issues related to the Code in as rapid and efficient a manner as possible should they occur. We thank our members and attendees for their past cooperation and for their continued assistance in making Phandemonium events enjoyable experiences for everyone. Have fun and please remember to be courteous of those around you while doing so!

All Phandemonium events may have additional policies that members / attendees are required to follow. Any additional policies for events will be posted on the official Capricon website and social media.

I. Respect for Others

Phandemonium wants all its attendees to enjoy themselves at its events. As such, we ask that you respect each other. All Phandemonium events should be a space where everyone feels welcomed and comfortable. Phandemonium forbids abusive, insulting, harassing, and / or intimidating behavior which includes, but is not limited to, stalking, physical or verbal intimidation, discriminatory comments, inappropriate physical contact, hate group iconography and unwelcome sexual attention.

Consent: Only “yes” means yes. If a person does not express clear consent for attention or personal intervention, then consent has not been given.

Discrimination (based on, but not limited to, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, or physical / mental disability) is not tolerated.

Harassment of any kind is not tolerated. It includes but is not limited to:

  • offensive verbal comments about gender, gender identity and expression, sexuality, sexual orientation, disability or impairment, physical appearance, body size, race/ethnicity, age or religion
  • intimidation, stalking or following
  • photographing or recording someone without their permission
  • sustained disruption of talks or other eventsun
  • invited physical contactuninvited sexual attention
  • bathroom policing

Participants asked to stop behavior that is perceived as harassing must comply immediately.

Racism of any kind will not be tolerated. At Phandemonium, we want to welcome the voices of people who are often spoken over or erased in Fandom – and make Phandemonium events as inclusive as we can to people from all racial and ethnic backgrounds.

Iconography & Sexualized Imagery/Discussion:

As we strive to provide a welcoming, safe environment for all attendees, we expressly forbid sexual images and symbols associated with historical atrocities and current hate groups from public* spaces at the convention. The following outlines the allowed exclusions:

Sexualized imagery or discussion related to sex, pornography, discriminatory language or similar is allowed if it meets all of the following criteria: (a) organizers have specifically granted permission in writing; (b) it is necessary to the topic of discussion and no alternative exists; (c) it is presented in a respectful manner, especially towards women and LGBTQIA people; and (d) attendees are warned in advance verbally or in the program and respectfully given ample warning and opportunity to leave beforehand. This exception does not allow use of gratuitous sexual images as attention-getting devices or unnecessary examples.

Hate based iconography is strictly forbidden from all public and convention* space. It includes (but is not limited to) iconography, paraphernalia, and cosplay representative of Nazi, neo-Nazi, KKK, and other hate groups. Anyone wearing or displaying an item of clothing, prop, or other item considered a hate symbol will be asked to remove it from the convention and refusal to do so will result in ejection from the convention without refund.

*A more detailed discussion of what constitutes “public” vs. “private” vs. “Convention” spaces can be found in the Phandemonium Policies and Procedures document.

II. How Phandemonium requests you report instances of disrespect

If you feel that you are being discriminated against, harassed, or if you notice someone behaving inappropriately (such as violating hotel, Phandemonium or convention policies), we respectfully suggest the following:

  1. If you feel comfortable doing so, point out the inappropriate behavior to the person(s) involved. Often this will solve the problem immediately.
  2. If you do not feel comfortable talking with the person(s) involved, or if talking to them does not resolve the issue, please report the situation as soon as you are able to any Phandemonium / Capricon event coordinator (i.e. Phandemonium Board Members, Convention Committee Members, Event Organizers, or Operations Staff). If the incident takes place during the Capricon Convention, these individuals can be identified by their Staff badge or “Staff” ribbon attached to their badge.
  3. A report can be filed electronically by emailing at any time. This email is directed to the Board President, Convention Chair, and Supreme Minister of Fun.

It would be extremely helpful if you could provide a name, badge name/number and/or physical description of the person(s) involved.

III. Corporate Response to Violations of the Code of Conduct

  1. Phandemonium reserves the right to revoke without refund the membership of anyone for just cause, and eject anyone at any time from a Phandemonium event.
  2. Failure to adhere to any of the above policies may result in a number of possible consequences. Consequences include, but are not limited to the following:
    • Talking with all parties involved and attempting to mediate a solution to the problem
    • Issuing verbal warnings
    • Revoking memberships and requesting that the person(s) leave the eventInvolving hotel or facility staff or security
    • Contacting local law enforcement
    • Banning of attendance and membership to future Phandemonium events

IV. Privacy, Photographs, and Recording Electronic Information

Phandemonium event attendees should be aware that photography and video and/or audio recordings are frequently made by Phandemonium during events and that their likenesses may appear in those recordings. Attendees agree to assign without compensation the use of their likeness for the use of promotional material.

Personal Photography / Recordings: Please be polite and ask before taking photographs or recordings of attendees whenever possible. Video and audio recording and photography for personal archival use only is generally acceptable, unless individuals make it clear that they do not wish to be photographed or recorded (e.g.: a verbal request or via the official Capricon “No Photo” ribbon), in which case any photography or recording of them is expressly forbidden.

V. Media Relations

Phandemonium welcomes members of the press at its events. All journalists, media photographers, bloggers, podcasters and any other members of the press are required to display an official Press ribbon or be accompanied by a Phandemonium / Capricon staff member at all times while at Phandemonium events. Members of the press who have not been issued a Press ribbon may not conduct interviews or take photographs, audio or video footage without an escort.

VI. Financial Transactions

Checks that are presented against insufficient funds will be charged a fee of $30 per check. Anyone who has an outstanding balance due to Phandemonium must settle that balance before being permitted to attend the Capricon Convention or an outreach event.