- Contest is open to all registered members of Capricon
- Each entry must consist of a single sentence but you may
submit as many entries as you wish.
- Sentences may be of any length (though you go beyond
50 or 60 words at your peril), and entries must be "original"
(as it were) and preferably unpublished (or not widely published prior
to submission), or, at least, plagiarized from someplace the judges won't
- There
are no set categories. That said, all entries should include a category
which you yourself create. There will be a winner for "best category"
as well as best sentence.
- It is preferred that entries are e-mailed to us however,
if for some reason this does not work for you the following alternatives
are available:
Surface mail entries should
be submitted on index cards, the sentence on one side and the entrant's
name, address, and phone number on the other. Submit to:
Dark and Stormy Night Contest
Capricon 25
P.O. Box 60085
Chicago, IL 60660
Email entries should be in
the body of the message, NOT in an
attachment. Please submit one entry per e-mail.
Send all-e mail entries to: info capricon org
- The official
deadline for submission via e-mail and postal mail is February
5 . After that submissions will be accepted at the convention
until 9pm Saturday night, please bring them to Registration.
*we say
rules, but really, if you make an especially good case for something we're
always open to suggestions. So, one might say that they're more in the
nature of guidelines**
for the one sentence thing. That, we're firm on.
- Judging
will happen after the first full night of no sleep, as we have determined
that this contest is best undertaken in a state of sleep deprivation.
- The Judges decisions are final, and will be completely
arbitrary, if not downright capricious.
- Some of us like atrocious puns (you take your chances).
- Bribery may or may not work, but feel free to attempt
it. (The Judges especially like dark chocolate)
The judges are:
Tracey Callison
Eloise Mason (nee Beltz-Decker)
Moshe Yudkowsky
We don't quite know what the prizes will be just yet, but the judges will
choose some suitable tokens in the spirit of 'the punishment fits the
As his bathysphere
dropped through the psychedelic technicolor layer cake that is Jupiter's
crushing atmosphere, buffeted by alternating laminar flows, subjected
to temperatures that would melt most normal metals, and Colonel Jamison
was forced to rely solely on his lonely radar pings for any idea what
was going on around him, he paused to reflect that if one went deep enough
it was indeed a dark and stormy planet.
Animal Husbandry
Flametta sighed as she gently stroked the nose of the contented unicorn
whose head lay in her lap, reflecting that no matter what price the hides
brought, she really wished next time Daddy would let her keep one, if
only for a week or two.
Long before the birth of the world we know, the land was inhabited by
heroes great and bold, monsters foul, creatures most magical, who had
centuries of exciting adventures, but this book isn't about them.
Intergovernmental Cooperation
The door burst open and the Thought Police stormed in, knocking
Mitch to the floor, brutally twisting his hands behind his back, but all
he could think of was the books he'd taken out of the library that very
day, and his stomach twisted in fear as he realized that the Thought Police
would find the books and confiscate them, and that the library would dun
him for new books and twenty years of fines after he finally got out of
the re-education camp.
The Naked City
The night settled on the lower reaches of the city like a cloak;
not a fine silk cloak, or a practical wool cloak, or even one of homespun
cotton, but like a cloak that had been cast off by a drunken derelict
for being too shabby.
The Meaning of Life
It was a bad place to die -- but there are really no good places to die,
he mused, remembering his near-death experience with the tntacled Meerks
of Rishmanon, his near escape from the fog marshes of the flatulent Borts
(whose planet's main export was, of course, methane), and his incredibly
lucky near miss of an entanglement by a particular lady on Etronomius
IX (which, while not technically "near-death", would have resulted
in the cessation of his life of travel and adventure, which to our hero
was the same thing).
Category: Sudden Changes
Yesterday morning, I rolled out of bed, fell into the basement, and wondered
where the floor had gone.