. Here are a few things you should know. Please register to participate in the Gong Show. While registration is not mandatory it is advisable to make sure that you have a slot. We will cut off registration at twenty acts. On Saturday afternoon we will schedule an hour for registration. Check your pocket program for the location. You may also register on-line by at bosola@aol.com.
Last year some contestants wished to appear two different times. If there�s time you may do so, but not until everybody else has a chance to perform once.
Please limit your act to about three or four minutes, at the very most.
Remember that the theme is Armageddon.
Oh yes, there may be children in the audience.
The awarding of points to contestants from the judges are solely for comedic effect. The judges and the MC will decide who wins after everyone has performed.
And remember that this is a gong show, so you may be gonged.