Posts tagged Cap 32

Capricon at Duckon


Capricon 32: Amazing Adventures! is throwing a party tonight at Duckon. Visit us in room 4101 from 9:30 PM until the goats come home and we’ll help you choose your next adventure!

Visit our fan table on Saturday and Sunday to learn more about Capricon 32: Amazing Adventures! Find out where it will take you…

Tuesday Funk #32 meets Capricon 32


In an odd sort of cosmic fate kind of thing, one of Capricon 32’s upcoming Guests of Honor will be doing a reading at Tuesday Funk #32. What is Tuesday Funk you ask?ย  Well let me borrow some content from their website, since really I’m not going to be able to explain it better than they can.

Tuesday Funk is an eclectic Chicago reading series, hosted by Sara Ross and William Shunn, bringing you a variety of fiction, poetry, and essays the first Tuesday of every month. Join us next on March 1st, 7:30 pm, upstairs at Hopleaf, 5148 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL. Tuesday Funk is the official reading series of the Gothic Funk Nation.

So that’s what Tuesday Funk is, and on March 1st, Steven Silver, Capricon 32’s Fan Guest of Honor will be giving a reading. So come on out and see him, have some beer and have a good time. Maybe when you see him at Capricon next year you’ll be able to say “I saw him way back when… before he became famous.”

An Amazing Adventure (Capricon 32!)


I know Capricon 31 is just barely over. We haven’t even posted up Sunday and the Post-Con editions of Goat Droppings, but let’s talk about Capricon 32 for a moment shall we. The website hasn’t been updated yet, probably won’t be for at least a month. But… we want to share the news for those poor unfortunate souls who couldn’t make it to Closing Ceremonies, and haven’t heard it from anyone else…. We’re going to have guests of honor. I know you’re shocked.

Capricon 32 will be held Feb 9th through Feb 12th 2012 right back at the same Westin Northshore in Wheeling, IL. And what about those Guests of Honor you say… well I’m glad you asked, here ya go:

Author Guest of Honor – Cory Doctorow

Artist Guest of Honor – Les McClaine

Fan Guest of Honor – Steven Silver

There… that ought to hold you for a little while.

It’s never too soon….


Have you ever said, “If I ran this convention….?” or “You know what I think?” Well, then you might consider running a Capricon! The Board of Phandemonium is currently seeking qualified candidates to apply to be the Chairperson of Capricon 32 in 2012. If this means you, the process involved of bidding for Chair of Capricon is as follows:

1) Prepare a written report letting us know why you want to chair Capricon 32. Let us know who you are and what convention leadership experience experience you have. We are interested in hearing how will you make Capricon 32 a unique experience for the attendees, how might your theme/focus/concept be carried out in various departments, such as programming, special events, gaming, films, etc., and who might be your possible Guests of Honor. Then, email your proposal to by October 18, 2010.

2) Meet with the Phandemonium Board of Directors to discuss your proposal and address any questions the Board might have.

3) Shortly after the presentations, the Phandemonium Board will meet to review and vote on all the submitted proposals and notify of you of our decision. If you are chosen as the Chair, you will be given further instructions at that time.

Some general qualifications are listed below which we view as guidelines, not requirements, to gauge qualification:
* Potential Chairs should have a minimum of 5 years of convention attending experience, preferably at multiple conventions in different cities.
* Chairs should have served on at least three concoms as a department head, and have run at least two different departments.
* One requirement that is written in stone per Phandemonium Bylaws is that a Capricon Chair may not concurrently hold a position equivalent to Chair or Board Member of a similar science fiction corporation or convention.

Running a convention is lots of fun, a great way to make your mark on Capricon and an opportunity to work with some amazing people. It’s a challenge and not for everyone, but if you’ve ever said “If I were running this convention,” well… here’s your chance to become of a part of Capriconโ€™s leadership and make Capricon the 4-day, fun-filled experience that is Capricon! We look forward to hearing from you. If you are a new member and want to learn more about what you can do to get more involved in making Capricon happen, feel free to contact me. See you in February!

Sondra de Jong
President of the Board, Phandemonium, Inc.

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