
We’re trying to make it easier for those of you who are interested to find out useful information about Phandemonium Inc, Capricon’s parent corporation. As a start we want to provide links to three important documents.

Phandemonium’s Bylaws (Updated February 4, 2021):

EPUB Compatible with iPhone, iPad, etc.
MOBI Compatible with Kindle
PDF Compatible with Adobe Reader on many platforms

Capricon Code of Conduct (Updated December 19, 2023):

Capricon 44 Convention Code of Conduct

Phandemonium Code of Conduct (Updated December 19, 2023):

General Phandemonium Code of Conduct

Phandemonium Policies and Procedures (Updated: February 4, 2021):

EPUB Compatible with iPhone, iPad, etc.
MOBI Compatible with Kindle
PDF Compatible with Adobe Reader on many platforms

Phandemonium Book Club Selections:
This list contains all the past selections for our book club. It will give you an idea of the kind of books we discuss. We hope it encourages you to join us in the future.

EPUB Compatible with iPhone, iPad, etc.
MOBI Compatible with Kindle
PDF Compatible with Adobe Reader on many platforms

Phandemonium Elgin Book Club Selections:
This list contains all the past selections for our Elgin book club. It will give you an idea of the kind of books we discuss. We hope it encourages you to join us in the future.

EPUB Compatible with iPhone, iPad, etc.
MOBI Compatible with Kindle
PDF Compatible with Adobe Reader on many platforms

The History of Capricon

Year Dates Location Chair Theme Guests
1 February
20-22, 1981
Holiday Inn, Evanston Chip Bestler None Author: Terry Carr
Author: Wilson Tucker
Fen: J.R. & Mary Jane Holmes
2 February
Radison Hotel, Chicago Leah Bestler None Author: Gene Wolfe
Fan: Mike Stein
3 February
Radison Hotel, Chicago Virginia Meisinger None Author: Stephen R. Donaldson
Fan: Otlie & Phil Foglio
4 February
Continental Hotel, Chicago Marty Coady Fabish None Author: Paul O. Williams
Fan: Jeff Duntemann
5 February
Lincolnwood Hyatt Virginia Meisinger None Author: Frederik Pohl
Fan: Darlene P. Coltrain
6 February
Lincolnwood Hyatt Virginia Meisinger None Author: David R. Palmer
Fan: Tim Allen
7 February
Lincolnwood Hyatt No Chair None Author: Jerry Oltion
Artist: Stephen Hickman
Fan: Joan Hanke-Woods
8 February
Arlington Park Hilton, Arlington Heights Alice Bentley None Author: Lawrence Watt-Evans
Artist: Kay Reynolds
Fan: Kathleen Meyer
9 February
Lincolnwood Hyatt Alice Bentley None Author: Howard Waldrop
Fan: Ken Fletcher
10 February
Lincolnwood Hyatt Amy Schaefer None Author: P.C. Hodgell
Artist: Todd Cameron Hamilton
Fan: Bill Higgins
11 February
21-24, 1991
Lincolnwood Hyatt Alice Bentley None Author: Ellen Kushner
Editor: Beth Meacham
Fan: Becky Thomson
12 February
20-23, 1992
Marriot Lincolnshire Resort Amy Schaefer None Author: Terry Bisson
Special: Kim Stanley Robinson
Special: Paul Park
Fan: Steve Scherer
13 February
8-21, 1993
Pheasant Run, St. Charles Amy Schaefer None Author: Terry Pratchett
Artist: Darlene P. Coltrain
Fan: George Laskowski
14 February
Wyndham Hamilton, Itasca Karen Babich None Author: Connie Willis
Artist: Mary Lynn Skirvin
Fan: David Dyer-Bennet
15 February
16-19, 1995
Wyndham Hamilton, Itasca Kathy Nerat None Author: Nancy Kress
Fan: Sue Blom
16 February
Wyndham Hamilton, Itasca Doug Winkler None Author: Sean Stewart
Artist: Scott Gustafson
Media: Michael Stein
17 February
20-23, 1997
Oak Brook Hilton Doug Winkler None Author: Robert J. Sawyer
18 February
5-8, 1998
Holiday Inn O’Hare, Rosemont Dina Krause None Author: Josepha Sherman
Editor: Steve Hockensmith
19 February
11-14, 1999
Arlington Park Hilton, Arlington Heights Tracy Lunquist & Dave McCarty Villains Pro: David Weber
Artist: Todd Cameron Hamilton
Fan: Phoenix
20 January
27-30, 2000
Arlington Park Hilton, Arlington Heights Dave McCarty Armageddon Pro: Larry Niven
Science: Chris Luchini
Fan: Joseph “Uncle Vlad” Stockman
21 February
8-11, 2001
Arlington Park Hilton, Arlington Heights Tracy Lunquist Tellurian Exposition Pro: Allen Steele
Fan: Geri Sullivan
22 February
7-10, 2002
Sheraton Chicago Northwest, Arlington Heights Deb Kosiba Fun & Games Fun: Dr. Demento
Game: James Ernest
Artist: Kaja Foglio
Fan: David Abzug
23 February
6-9, 2003
Sheraton Chicago Northwest, Arlington Heights Cary Williams & Marnie Gucciard Gods & Monsters Author: Tim Powers
Artist: Amy K. Brown
Fan: Bill Roper
24 January
29- February
1, 2004
Sheraton Chicago Northwest, Arlington Heights Dave McCarty Sensawondah! Author: Spider Robinson
Author: Jeanne Robinson
Artist: Kimberly Reck
NASA: Bryan Palaszewski
25 February
10-14, 2005
Sheraton Chicago Northwest, Arlington Heights Deb Kosiba Mad Scientists Author: James P. Hogan
Artist: Shaenon K. Garrity
Fan: John Morse
26 February
9-12, 2006
Sheraton Chicago Northwest, Arlington Heights Greg Williams University of Fandom Guest Faculty: Peter S. Beagle
Guest Faculty: Bryan Palaszewski
Guest Faculty: Kat Eggleston
Guest Faculty: Michael Longcor
Guest Faculty: Dr. Mary Crowell
Guest Faculty: Nick Pollotta
Guest Faculty: Jody Lynn Nye
Guest Faculty: Bill Fawcett
Guest Faculty: Phyllis Eisenstein
27 February
8-11, 2007
Sheraton Chicago Northwest, Arlington Heights Gretchen Roper A Celebration of High Fantasy Author: Lois McMaster Bujold
Artist: Erin McKee
Fan: Cat Faber
28 February
14-17, 2008
Sheraton Chicago Northwest, Arlington Heights Leane Verhulst Pirates Author: Mike Resnick
Pirate: John Baur (“Ol’ Chumbucket”)
Pirate: Mark Summers (“Cap’n Slappy”)
Artist: Don Maitz
29 February
19-22, 2009
Westin Chicago North Shore, Wheeling Helen Montgomery Camp Capricon Author: Sharon Shinn
Artist: Gary Lippincott
Fan: Christian McGuire
Filk: Barry Childs-Helton
Filk: Sally Childs-Helton
NASA: Bryan Palaszewski
30 February
11-14, 2010
Westin Chicago North Shore, Wheeling Helen Montgomery Celebration! Author: Frederik Pohl
Author: Spider Robinson
Author: Jeanne Robinson
Author: Robert J. Sawyer
Artist: Lucy Synk
Fan: Alice Bentley
31 February
10-13, 2011
Westin Chicago North Shore, Wheeling Erik V. Olson Escape! Author: John Scalzi
Artist: John Picacio
Fan: Stephen Boucher
Fan: Janice Gelb
Special Guest: Bryan Palaszewski
32 February
9-12, 2012
Westin Chicago North Shore, Wheeling Sondra de Jong Amazing Adventures Author: Cory Doctorow
Artist: Les McClaine
Fan: Steven H Silver
Special: Javier Grillo-Marxuach
33 February
7-10, 2013
Westin Chicago North Shore, Wheeling Mike Cyganiewicz Artificial Intelligence Author: Daniel H. Wilson
Artist: Karen Ann Hollingsworth
Fan: Helen Montgomery
34 February
6-9, 2014
Westin Chicago North Shore, Wheeling Laura Dombrowski The 4th Dimension Author: S.M. Stirling
Artist: Tom Peters
Fan: Tadao Tomomatsu
Music: Silent Nightmare
Special: Jan Stirling
Special: Sherrilyn Kenyon
35 February
12-15, 2015
Westin Chicago North Shore, Wheeling Chair: John Ickes
Vice: Terrence Miltner
What does R&R Mean to You? Author: Matt Forbeck
Artist: John Bivens
Fan: Elizabeth “Dr. Evil” Huffman
Music: Alexander James Adams
Gaming: Margaret Weis
Special: John Anealio
Special: Patrick Hester
36 February
11-14, 2016
Westin Chicago North Shore, Wheeling Marinda Darnell Once Upon a Capricon Author: Scott Lynch
Artist: Eric Wilkerson
Fan: Wendy Zdrodowski
Special: Stacey Gordon
Special: Mark Oshiro
Special: Mae the Belly Dancer
37 February
16-19, 2017
Westin Chicago North Shore, Wheeling Alex Heltzer
Peter Heltzer
And the Children Shall Lead Author: Beth Revis
Artist: Nilah Magruder
Fan: Meg Frank
Musical Guest: Tim Griffin
38 February
15-18, 2018
Westin Chicago North Shore, Wheeling Terrence Miltner Expanding Universes Author: Timothy Zahn
Artist: Sarah Wilkinson
Gaming: Monica Valentinelli
Fan: Dave McCarty
Special Guest: Matt McElroy
39 February
14-17, 2019
Westin Chicago North Shore, Wheeling D’Andre Williams Strange Beasts Arise Author: Seanan McGuire
Artist: Phil Foglio
Fan: Doug Rice
Music: Carrie Dahlby
40 February
13-16, 2020
Westin Chicago North Shore, Wheeling Aimee Dundon The Tropics of Capricon Author: Tobias Buckell
Artist: Trungles
Fan: Lil Sams
41 February 4-7, 2021 Virtual Tammy Coxen Creating the Future We Want Aliette de Bodard
John Jennings
Brandon O’Brien
Dr. Cacophonie Tamayo
Michi Trota
42 February
3-6, 2022
Sheraton Grand Chicago/Virtual Tori Carnall-Hawkins Rockin’ the Outer Realms Author: Catherynne M. Valente
Artist: Gene Ha
Gaming: Tanya DePass
43 February
2-5, 2023
Sheraton Grand Chicago Doug Killings Eternity Awaits Author: Steven Brust
Artist: Christine Mitzuk
Fan: Moshe Yudkowsky
44 February 1-4, 2024 Sheraton Grand Chicago Sam Press The Endurance of Stars Author: K. Tempest Bradford
Ariela Housman
Catherine Lundoff
 Victor Jason Raymond

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