
@JohnPicacio Thanks again for …


@JohnPicacio Thanks again for coming out. We had a blast and are glad you were able to join us. Come back anytime!

Goat Droppings Goes Recursive


As many of you know, every year at Capricon we produce a daily newsletter with updates to the programming schedule, interviews with the Guests of Honor, the ever popular Out of CONtext notes, and other important Phandemonium and Capricon related news. And we know that sometime you just can’t find a copy of the newsletter at the con, or you’ve lost your copy, or you just weren’t there but don’t want to feel left out.ย  Well here you go for your reading pleasure. We have the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday editions of Goat Droppings (The Dead Tree version now with less dead trees). We’ll post the Sunday and Post-Con editions just as soon as the flying monkeys finish converting the paper to electrons.

Capricon 31 – Thursday Goat Droppings

Capricon 31 – Friday Goat Droppings

Capricon 31 – Saturday Goat Droppings

March F.E.A.S.T. Carnival


On March 6, F.E.A.S.T. will be celebrating Carnival by going to Heaven on Seven for some Cajun Cuisine. and fun. The Heaven on Seven Restaurant is located at 600 North Michigan on the Second Floor ย (Corner of Rush and Ohio) and will meet at 6:30pm.

Please let me know if you are able to attend No later than March 2 so I can be sure I have enough seats reserved. Thank you.

Capricon 31 – Progress Report #2


As you may or may not know, at Capricon every year we have a daily newsletter called “Goat Droppings” which we use to give you updates on what’s going on for a given day, what already happened at the convention, interviews with the GoH’s etc.ย  Well over the course of the year we also put out e-editions of Goat Droppings, which are more of a progress report on the planning for Capricon as well as an update on other events being planned by Phandemonium. Well it’s that time again for the Winter 2011, e-edition of Goat Droppings. It has a progress report on the convention, which is just two weeks away now, information about the Capricon Book Drive, Phandemonium Events, and the ever popular Out of CON-text notes. So check it out and see what’s going on. Click on the link below to access the .pdf version of Goat Droppings.

Goat Droppings January 2011

Updated: Program Schedule for Cap 31


The Capricon 31 schedule is live!!!ย  Want to start planning your weekend at Capricon?ย  Well now we can help you. The program schedule is now available for you to review.ย  Come see what we have planed… Start planning now so you know when you can eat and sleep. I’m pointing you to the list sorted by date time, but the information is also available sorted alphabetically. You can also search for panels based on who’s going to be on them, so if you’re a completist and need to go to every panel by “Miss Cool Panelist” you can find out where she’s scheduled to be.

In other words… stop reading my babbling and head on over and check out everything that is in store for you.



I published info about the January Feast, but for some reason it did not show up as an event for Facebook. Is there anyway to get this up there stat. RSVP time is running out. Thanks

November Feast


On November 28, Feast will be enjoying the cuisine of Spain at Cafe Iberico located at 739 N. LaSalle Street. We will be meeting at 6:30 pm.

Paid Lot, Street Parking Difficult, and Valet. Valet not available Sunday afternoon. Valet Parking: Lunch & Dinner.
Public Transportation:
CTA Bus: 66 Chicago, 156 LaSalle. Red Line Train: Chicago Stop.

Chicon 7


Start planning now! Looks like there’s going to be a Worldcon in our backyard in 2012, assuming of course the Mayans were wrong and the world doesn’t end first. I’m sure there will be more to say on the subject in the near and not so near future. But in the mean time, why not wander over to the official site and see what bits and pieces of information are already available.

To Serve Fan


Bored and looking for something to do? Want that something to be fannish related? Then check out To Serve Fan. Rich Roszko has started a new website/database trying to collect all of the known conventions, so if you ever get that hankering to drop anything and run off to attend a con, you could check in here, see what’s going on, and head off for some fun.

I did notice he doesn’t currently have Capricon listed, but he’s been emailed with the necessary details.

Reminder/ July F.E.A.S.T.


Its that time again
Fans Eating All Sorts of Things (FEAST) will be trying Turkish cuisine on July 18 at 6:30 pm at
A La Turka
3134 N. Lincoln Avenue
It is accessible by the Brown line and there is parking.

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