Capricon 36

Goat Droppings!


The post Capricon 36 edition of Goat Droppings is now available here! ย Please be sure to also send us feedback via our survey, which is open until March 31st.


Goat Droppings Post Capricon 36



Lowest rate for Capricon 36


We’d like to thank everyone for making Capricon 35 such a blast. Special thanks go out to our Guests of Honor, Matt Forbeck, Alexander James Adams, John Bivens, John Anealio, Patrick Hester, Elizabeth Huffman, and Margaret Weis.

Admit it. After all that fun you’re ready for Capricon 36! So why not buy your membership now? It’ll never be cheaper! You can buy a full, four day membership for the low, low price of $40. But you must act quickly. This rate only lasts until Sunday, February 22, 2015. So act now and you’ll have more money for the dealer’s room!

Click here to register today.

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