Capricon 31

Items related to Capricon 31

Capricon 31 – Post Con Goat Droppings


Well here it is folks. The last issue of Goat Droppings related to Capricon 31 Escape! This issue has the wrap up of Sunday’s events along with the winners of the various awards, and an expanded section of the ever popular Out of CON-text notes.

Capricon 31 – Post-Con Goat Droppings

Thanks again to everyone who came out to Capricon this year and had a great time, we hope we’ll see you again next year, or during the course of the year at one of Phandemonium’s other events, like the Book Club, Euchre Club, FEAST and Ides events. And for those of you who couldn’t make it to Cap this year… well there’s always next year. Start planning now…. we are.

More Goat Droppings


As promised the little slave goats have finished turning all those dead trees into an electronic format so now you can read the Sunday edition of Goat Droppings online. You lucky people you…

Capricon 31 – Sunday Goat Droppings

Bryan Palaszewski’s Closing Remarks to Cap 31


It appears that Bryan posted comments to Facebook that by my reading he wanted to share with everyone at closing ceremonies. Since that didn’t happen because we had the tired, I hope he doesn’t mind me repeating them here.

Proposed for the closing ceremonies, Capricon 31.

by Bryan Palaszewski

All Hail Capricon 31!!

Greetings from Bryan Palaszewski and the NASA Glenn Research Center.

I am so sad that I could not attend Cap 31. ๐Ÿ™ Of course, I wish I could have been there.ย  The responsibilities of my job required me to be in Florida to assist the Government in searching out for some alleged bad guys.ย  I believe they have been identified and will be brought to justice.

I know that a great set of activities, films, songs, discussions, deliberations, imbibations, and competitions were greatly enjoyed at the Con.ย  I could see a tiny sliver of that joy on Facebook and from your e-mails.ย ย  Iโ€™m so glad that you had a great time. ๐Ÿ™‚

Capricon represents some the finest in fandom and the tireless team of the ConCom continues to sustain a fabulous high-quality con for all of us.


Go and seek out the best of the best in all you do and hope to see all of you at the finest Chicago con next year.ย  ย ย Go, and have a blast!

Goat Droppings Goes Recursive


As many of you know, every year at Capricon we produce a daily newsletter with updates to the programming schedule, interviews with the Guests of Honor, the ever popular Out of CONtext notes, and other important Phandemonium and Capricon related news. And we know that sometime you just can’t find a copy of the newsletter at the con, or you’ve lost your copy, or you just weren’t there but don’t want to feel left out.ย  Well here you go for your reading pleasure. We have the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday editions of Goat Droppings (The Dead Tree version now with less dead trees). We’ll post the Sunday and Post-Con editions just as soon as the flying monkeys finish converting the paper to electrons.

Capricon 31 – Thursday Goat Droppings

Capricon 31 – Friday Goat Droppings

Capricon 31 – Saturday Goat Droppings

Well that was fun…


Thanks to all of you who came out for Capricon this year. It was fun. Hope you can say the same. But… the fun’s not over yet. Beware the Ides of Phandemonium. Come join us for the Ides of Phandemonium Zombie Goat Party at the RAM restaurant in Wheeling, just across from the hotel Tuesday night (2/15) at 7PM. Just because Capricon’s over doesn’t mean Capricon has to end.

Open board meeting


Phandemonium open board meeting going on right now. Come vote for the two new board of directors

Bryan Palaszewski Update


Quick update… Bryan will now be joining us at 11:30 am today in River C, by teleconference to give his lecture “NASA Human Missions to Asteroids and Other Fine Places.”

Scalzi conversion to Coke Zero


8.5 cases

204 cans

2,448 ounces

72.3960004 liters

Opening Ceremonies in 10 mins


Rumor has it that it is going to be “EPIC”!

capricon is starting where are…


Capricon is starting where are you?

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