Archive for January, 2011

Yes Virginia, There is a Dance…


Come get your Geek on. Yes folks, it’s back again, the Capricon Friday Night Dance. But this time we’re reliving our High Schoolglory days, we’re throwing a Retro 80’s Geek Prom. So dust off your VCR’s and fire up Footloose to practice your dance moves. And as you know it’s not a prom unless a King and Queen are crowned. Also an award will be given for the Biggest hair, so stock up on Aqua Net! Judging will take place at 11:30

Hotel Room Block


So it looks like a whole bunch of you are planning on coming to Cap this year. So many that we’ve had to go and increase the size of the room block. If you’ve tried to make a reservation in Cap’s room block recently only to be told there were no rooms available. The problem should now be solved, we’ve added rooms to the block.So go visit the Hotel page on our website for all the details on how to get a room.

And just as a reminder… if you’re having problems… we don’t know about it unless you tell us:

Having a problem getting a hotel room, email

Having a problem registering, email

Need a question answered and don’t know where to turn? email

When all else fails email If he can’t facilitate getting things fixed we’re in more trouble than we know.



I published info about the January Feast, but for some reason it did not show up as an event for Facebook. Is there anyway to get this up there stat. RSVP time is running out. Thanks

Science Fiction Outreach Initiative


Capricon is joining other fan organizations in supporting a new initiative to introduce comics and media fans to science fiction fandom, especially Worldcons. The calling card? Books!

A team of science fiction fans is planning to go to WonderCon, April 1-3, 2011, and give away six pallets of FREE BOOKS!

WonderCon, held annually in San Francisco, attracts 34,000 people to a celebration of comics and fantasy media. A group of fans affiliated with the World Science Fiction Convention intend to establish an outpost at WonderCon, and reach out to the potential science fiction and fantasy readers who pass through the exhibit hall. Along with a free book, these readers will be given information about the amazing things going on in the โ€œfannishโ€ community, including Worldcons and regional conventions.

The theory behind the initiative is simple. โ€œAs a book reader and comic reader, if I saw free sf/f books, would I be attracted to that booth, and perhaps listen to the folks giving them away? Of course I would,โ€ says James Bacon who is coordinating the initiative.

Experience from similar events in London has shown that book fans do attend these comics events. Bacon says, โ€œAt London Film and Comic Con and Collectormania, we have given away books and seen the returns in convention memberships. We want the book readers. We want the potential fans that like books and want to talk about them, and will appreciate meeting like minded folks. We have found a way to attract and talk to the book readers: giving away science fiction and fantasy books.โ€

Flyers and brochures about conventions and other fan-sponsored events will be distributed in the booth. Renovation, Chicon 7 and Worldcons in general will be a focus. Each book will contain a bookmark listing upcoming Worldcons and other conventions. Volunteers from Renovation will be on hand to answer questions about the 69th World Science Fiction Convention and sell memberships.

โ€œWe have been pleased with the response from the staff of WonderCon, and we have booked two booths for the event. Our hope now is to reach out to the incredible fannish community and ask for help in making this a successful eventโ€ said Helen Montgomery, another member of the team organizing the initiative.

How You Can Help

Many fans have often contemplated a trimming of their book collections. Donโ€™t just recycle your books โ€” donate them to this project so they can be the lure for new fans! The team will be carrying out book drives at area conventions, beginning with Loscon in late November. Check this page โ€” and check back often โ€” to find out about which conventions will be hosting a book drive. If you are a sf/f publisher and are willing to donate new books to our cause, please contact us.

Folks putting together this initiative would like to hear from fans who can provide temporary storage or transportation of books to the Bay Area, Volunteers are sought to help out at WonderCon โ€” meet new fans, match them with a book they will love and welcome them to the community. This is just the beginning. Please get in touch if you think you can help.

Thanks to SFSFC, RCFI, Chicon 7, the London in 2014 Worldcon bid, CanSMOF Inc. and a very generous private donor, the Science Fiction Outreach Initiative is under way. We need additional funding and volunteers! Please contact us at

Where Weโ€™ll Be

Bring your books to us, the SF Outreach Initiative, at these upcoming conventions:

  • Capricon 31, February 10-13th 2011, Westin Chicago North Shore in Wheeling

And if you don’t make it to Capricon… here are additional places to donate books:

  • Gallifrey, February 18-20th 2011, L.A. Airport Marriott Hotel
  • Condor, February 25-27th 2011, Town & Country Resort & Convention Center in San Diego,
  • Potlatch 20, March 4-6th 2011, The Domain in Sunnyvale
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