Archive for September, 2010

Get your online version of Goat Droppings


Happy end of September folks. We’re just a little more than four months away from Capricon 31 – Escape! And the ConCom and the Phandemonium Board of Directors have been busy getting things ramped up. If you’ve ever been to Capricon (And if you haven’t… hopefully we’ll see you there this year.), you may be aware that every day during the convention we generate a newsletter, with interviews with the GoH’s, schedule changes, and other items of interest, including the ever popular Out of CONtext notes. Well the fun doesn’t end when Capricon ends. We also periodically produce an e-version of Goat Droppings, with updates about the convention and other activities from Phandemonium. That being said, the Fall Edition of Goat Droppings is now available in .pdf format for your reading pleasure. Go check it out, it contains Progress Report #1 about Cap 31, information about Phandemonium’s Book Club, Euchre Club, and FEAST programs. And if you look carefully you might find some useful information in case you missed the early cut off for pre-registration. You can also watch this space in the future as we’ll be talking about some of the other items mentioned in the newsletter.


Hey You… Over there by the computer… yeah you…


Members of Phandemonium,

We want YOU! Yes, YOU! Wonder why? Itโ€™s simple.

Every year the membership of Phandemonium elects two new people to serve a three year term on the Board of Directors. These six people, along with an appointed Secretary, Treasurer, and SMOF (Supreme Minister of Fun) are tasked with keeping the corporation running and enabling the convention and other outside activities to take place. This is where YOU (yes, you!) come in… It’s tough to have an election without candidates. If you’re interested in helping run Phandemonium and serving on our Board of Directors I would suggest visiting our forums and reviewing our Corporate Bylaws and Policy & Procedure documents under Phandemonium Information. These documents explain the eligibility requirements as well as the process to be included on the ballot. If you’re interested in serving on the board please let us know no later than January 15, 2011 by emailing us at If you have any questions regarding Phandemonium and/or the process you can also email me directly at

Looking forward to seeing you all at Capricon in February!

Sondra de Jong
President of the Board, Phandemonium, Inc.

It’s never too soon….


Have you ever said, “If I ran this convention….?” or “You know what I think?” Well, then you might consider running a Capricon! The Board of Phandemonium is currently seeking qualified candidates to apply to be the Chairperson of Capricon 32 in 2012. If this means you, the process involved of bidding for Chair of Capricon is as follows:

1) Prepare a written report letting us know why you want to chair Capricon 32. Let us know who you are and what convention leadership experience experience you have. We are interested in hearing how will you make Capricon 32 a unique experience for the attendees, how might your theme/focus/concept be carried out in various departments, such as programming, special events, gaming, films, etc., and who might be your possible Guests of Honor. Then, email your proposal to by October 18, 2010.

2) Meet with the Phandemonium Board of Directors to discuss your proposal and address any questions the Board might have.

3) Shortly after the presentations, the Phandemonium Board will meet to review and vote on all the submitted proposals and notify of you of our decision. If you are chosen as the Chair, you will be given further instructions at that time.

Some general qualifications are listed below which we view as guidelines, not requirements, to gauge qualification:
* Potential Chairs should have a minimum of 5 years of convention attending experience, preferably at multiple conventions in different cities.
* Chairs should have served on at least three concoms as a department head, and have run at least two different departments.
* One requirement that is written in stone per Phandemonium Bylaws is that a Capricon Chair may not concurrently hold a position equivalent to Chair or Board Member of a similar science fiction corporation or convention.

Running a convention is lots of fun, a great way to make your mark on Capricon and an opportunity to work with some amazing people. It’s a challenge and not for everyone, but if you’ve ever said “If I were running this convention,” well… here’s your chance to become of a part of Capriconโ€™s leadership and make Capricon the 4-day, fun-filled experience that is Capricon! We look forward to hearing from you. If you are a new member and want to learn more about what you can do to get more involved in making Capricon happen, feel free to contact me. See you in February!

Sondra de Jong
President of the Board, Phandemonium, Inc.

Chicon 7


Start planning now! Looks like there’s going to be a Worldcon in our backyard in 2012, assuming of course the Mayans were wrong and the world doesn’t end first. I’m sure there will be more to say on the subject in the near and not so near future. But in the mean time, why not wander over to the official site and see what bits and pieces of information are already available.

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