Photographer: Lou Abercrombie
Aliette de Bodard lives and works in Paris. She has won three Nebula Awards, a Locus Award, a British Fantasy Award and four British Science Fiction Association Awards. She was a double Hugo finalist for 2019 (Best Series and Best Novella).
Her most recent book is Of Dragons, Feasts and Murders, a fantasy of manners and murders set in an alternate 19th Century Vietnamese court (upcoming July 7th from JABberwocky Literary Agency, Inc.).
Her space opera books include The Tea Master and the Detective (2018 Nebula Award winner, 2018 British Fantasy Award winner, 2019 Hugo Award finalist), and the upcoming Seven of Infinities, in which a poor principled scholar and a disillusioned sentient spaceship must solve a murder, but find themselves falling for each other.
Her short story collection Of Wars, and Memories, and Starlight is out from Subterranean Press.
Find out more at https://aliettedebodard.com/