Would you like a Capricon shirt of your very own? OffWorld Designs now has Capricon 37 shirts available, as well as some from past years. You can buy them direct from OffWorld Designs web site.
Category: News

Dealers Registration Now Open!
Dealer registration is now open! Do you have interesting things that our members might like to purchase? Fill out this form, which is available on our website, so register today!

Would you like to play a game?
Are you bummed out because we don’t have a game you want to play? Would you like to see more of a certain type of game? Well then why not help make the Capricon Game Room even better by taking this quick survey. All responses are anonymous unless you wish to be contacted to learn more about becoming a Capricon GM!

Do you have an awesome idea?
Members of Phandemonium,
Every year, Capricon transforms the Westin Chicago Northshore into a big tent celebration of genre awesomeness. Magic you say? Not even. Awesome doesn’t just happen. Each Capricon begins as a cool idea that brings amazing people together to create exponentially more awesome.
Sound like a good time? It gets better. We are already preparing for Capricon 38, and we want YOU to make it awesome!
The Board of Phandemonium is currently seeking candidates for Con Chair of Capricon 38: Have you ever said, “If I ran this convention….?” or “You know what I think?” Then consider running a Capricon!
We are currently seeking qualified candidates to apply for Chairperson of Capricon 38 in 2018. Contact boardpresident@phandemoniu
Thank you all for your continued support and enthusiasm! There would literally be no Capricon without you. See you all next February!
Dan Berger
President of the Board, Phandemonium, Inc.

Register now and save!
Have you registered for Capricon 37 yet? If you wish to take advantage of the current low price of $50, you have through August 31st to register for our four day membership! On September 1st the price will rise to $55. https://www.capricon.org/capricon40/capricon37/registration/