Prepare for Programming!
As always, there are a few programming items that you might want to know about ahead of time so you can prepare
for them. Heres this years list!
- Phandemonium Book Club will be discussing Vegas Knights by our Author GoH, Matt Forbeck
- chicago-sf.org Book Club will be discussing The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu, translated by Ken Liu
- Snow Goons! If theres snow, bring your outdoor clothes and go build some snow goons!
- Gumbo Fiction Salon is an open mic reading event, with priority given to anyone who is a student somewhere.
- Re-purposing Convention T-shirts will give you ideas on new ways to wear your con t-shirts. Bring a few to play with during the panel.
- Hugo Awards Nominating is a panel to discuss what should be nominated this year, so bring your short list!
- We have several authors who will have Autographing sessions, so bring your books to be signed!
Welcome to the Capricon 35 Program! We have so many remarkable panelists this year, and some really excellent programming options. We start at 3pm on Thursday and go straight through until Closing Ceremonies on Sunday. We have approximately 120 program items, and that doesn’t include all the Special Events!
You can view the full program here.
Thank you to everyone who volunteered to be part of programming this year! The following people will be participating on programming at Capricon this year:
Alexander James Adams
John Anealio
Brian Babendererde
James Bacon
Janey Bell
Alice Bentley
Dan Berger
Charlie Bernstein
Jason Betts
John Bivens
E. Michael Blake
Danielle Bobolub
Mari Brighe
Warren Buff
Chad Burns
Alex Cannella
Rhiannon Catherwood
Richard Chwedyk
Rebecca L. Ciardullo
Rachel Cohan
Eric Coleman
Tammy Coxen
Dale Cozort
Frederick Crook
Jennifer Cross
Amanda Daly
Marinda Darnell
Lee Darrow
Sondra de Jong
Deerfield-Highland Park High Schools’ Fencing Club
Tanya DePass
James Dobbs
Dermot Dobson
Matthew Duhan
Aimee Dundon
Margie Dziadzka
Phyllis Eisenstein
Anne Elliot
Lance Erlick
Dexter Fabi
Clayton Faits
Lauren Faits
Sara Felix
Eric Flint
Matt Forbeck
Richard France
Meg Frank
Will Frank
Dr. Lisa Freitag
Ed Friman
Richard Garfinkle
Lisa Garrison-Ragsdale
Debbie Gates
Chris Gerrib
Jerry Gilio
Liz Gilio
Jessica Guggenheim
Mallory Harrelson
Taia Hartman
Blake Hausladen
Andrea Hawkins-Kamper
Laura Hawks
Peter Heltzer
Patrick Hester
Bill Higgins
Jameson Hogan
Karen Ann Hollingsworth
Valli Hoski
Ariela Housman
Elizabeth Huffman
Elizabeth Anne Hull
Mark Huston
Melissa Huston
Nancy Hutchins
John “Shadowcat” Ickes
Renee Ismail
Emmy Jackson
Lauren Jankowski
Tina Jens
Alex Kaempen
Mary Kaempen
Eric Karpierz
Robert Kauzlaric
Alessandra Kelley
Michael Kelly
Bradley Kelly
Rachel Kelly
Alisa Kober
Deb Kosiba
Mary Robinette Kowal
Dina S. Krause
Sydnie Krause
Jay Kreibich
Leonard Krol
Sandra Levy
Toni Lichtenstein Bogolub
Elizabeth Lippert
Neal Litherland
Jim Lund
Tracy Lunquist
Valya Lupescu
Mary Mascari
Elliott Mason
Dave McCarty
Elizabeth McCarty
Cathy McManamon
Lisa Meece
Jesi Merrick
Adam Miller
Terrence Miltner
Matt Mitrovich
Mary Anne Mohanraj
Helen Montgomery
Jason Neerenburg
Jody Lynn Nye
Mark Oshiro
Otherworld Theatre Company
Blake Packard
Anne Passovoy
Dr. Bob Passovoy
Jesi Pershing
William Peterson
Joel Phillips
James Plaxco
Stef Potter
Greg Press
Samantha Haney Press
Laurie Rich
Sean Roberts
Bill Roper
Caitlin Rosberg
Frank Salvatini
Patricia Sayre McCoy
Natalie Silk
Melanie S. Silver
Robin Silver
Steven H Silver
Deanna Sjolander
Lester Smith
Tom Smith
Toni Smith
Henry Spencer
Kate R. Starling
Ananda Stevens
Joseph Stockman
Kelly Strait
Fred Teifeld
Michael D. Thomas
Michi Trota
Tom Trumpinski
Dr. Michael Unger
Leane Verhulst
John Vittallo
John Wardale
Susan Weiner
Margaret Weis
Linda Wenzelburger
Gene Wolfe
Wendy Zdrodowski