Art Show
Located next to the dealer room, the art show is a place for attendees to see – and purchase – a wide variety of work from many talented artists. You can find almost anything in the art show, from traditional paintings to photography, digital art, jewelry, fiber arts, mixed media, and more. Exhibitors here range from established professionals to up-and-coming amateurs, and we will even have space for artists to do demonstrations and take commissions. Everything culminates in the Artist Showdown and the Live Art Auction on Saturday night, so be sure to stop by before it’s too late!
► General Info
The art show is run primarily as a written auction. Bid sheets will be attached / in close proximity to the piece, and attendees may bid on the work in writing on these sheets during art show hours.
All first bids on a piece must be at or above the minimum bid on the control sheets; subsequent bids must be greater than previous bids. Should any piece receive three or more qualifying bids, that piece will go to the Live Art Auction on Saturday night, where the highest ‘paper bid’ may or may not be beaten by a ‘live bid.’ Should any piece receive fewer than three bids, the highest bid on that piece prior to close of the art show on Saturday will win.
Pickup of and payment for pieces won in the art show will be on Sunday – we may also open up for payment late on Saturday, although this will depend on staffing. All bids are binding, and all sales are final.
Print Shop
In contrast to the main art show, art in the print shop is available for immediate purchase and removal, and will be priced at a flat rate (as in, there is no ‘bidding’).
Photography of work on display in the art show &/or print shop is strictly prohibited, unless both the artist and the art show lead are present and have given their consent.
Unlike previous years, there will be no bag check at the door. However, we are taking additional measures to ensure the security of artwork, including the presence of security staff. Reasonable suspicion of theft may result in bags being checked.
► Artist Info
To see our general policies for exhibiting in the art show (including info about space, costs, and content), please click here.
As we did last year, we will be taking applications for space reservation and mail-in art. Submissions will be due December 31st, 2014 and art show staff will respond to all requests by January 6, 2015. Any space remaining will be available to walk-in artists only on a first-come, first-serve basis, so we do recommend reserving space beforehand.
To apply for art show space, please click here.
You will be taken to our registration page; if you do not have an account, please create one (even if you plan to mail in your art) and be sure to check ‘Exhibiting in the Art Show’ under ‘Getting Involved.’ If you already have an account, log in and apply for space by clicking on ‘Exhibitor Details’ under ‘Artist Information’ and providing info on your work & display requirements. (If the ‘Artist Information’ section does not appear when you log in, click on ‘Manage Convention Interests’ and check the box for ‘Exhibiting in the Art Show.’)
Are you a student? If so, you may be eligible to participate in the Emerging Artist Program. Click here for more info and to submit your artwork for consideration. The deadline to submit an application for the Emerging Artist Program is January 1, 2015.
► Awards & Artists’ Challenge
Work in the art show (NFS pieces included, but Print Shop pieces excluded) may be eligible for the following awards:
- Best in Show
- Best Pro Work
- Best Non-Pro Work (previously “Best Fan Work”)
- Best Emerging Artist Entry
- Best Challenge Entry
- Artist’s Challenge Award Artist’s Challenge Award goes to special works which incorporate a goat (the convention’s mascot) and at least three things that begin with the letter “R.” Examples include (but are not limited to):
Rocket, Robot, Railroad, Rampart, Rapier, Royalty, Rusalka, Radiation…
Again, those are just suggestions – be as creative as you like in fulfilling this challenge!
All convention attendees are welcome to vote until the art show closes on Saturday; winners will be announced and awards given out at the Live Art Auction that evening.
We welcome volunteer workers in the art show itself, or artists who wish to participate in programming events. If you volunteer to help the art show or to participate in related programming, you may be eligible for badge reimbursement. If you have any proposals, input, or interest in participating or volunteering, please contact artshow@capricon.org.
If you have any other questions, comments, or concerns about the art show & its policies, please feel free to email artshow@capricon.org