Emerging Artists Program
This year, Capricon will again have a special section of its annual art show set aside to specifically feature ‘emerging artists’ who work in the science fiction, fantasy, & speculative fiction genres. Open to all art students, this is an opportunity to exhibit work beside that of established artists and sell to a wide audience of writers, editors, art directors, and fans.
All undergraduate students currently enrolled in universities, colleges, high schools, and other art courses & programs, are welcome to submit their work for inclusion in the Emerging Artists Program (EAP). Attendance at the convention is not mandatory, though it is welcomed.
General art show policies (available at Cap35 Art Policies) apply to those who participate in the EAP, except for the following:
– Hanging fees will be waived for those in this section of the art show, but the commission percentage still applies.
– Artists in the EAP will be grouped together in their own section at the front of the art show; they will not be eligible for any of the general art show awards but will have their own award, as voted on by convention attendees.
Please download our informational flyer (Click Here), and if you have any additional questions, comments, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at artshow@capricon.org.
To apply for the Emerging Artists Program, please click here to access our registration page.
- – If you do not already have an account, please create one (even if you plan to mail in your art) and be sure to check ‘Exhibiting in the Art Show’ under ‘Getting Involved.’
- – If you already have an account, log in and apply for space by clicking on ‘Exhibitor Details’ under ‘Artist Information’ and providing info on your work & display requirements. When you do, please be sure tho click the check box next to ‘I wish to register with the Emerging Artist Program’
- – If the ‘Artist Information’ section does not appear when you log in, click on ‘Manage Convention Interests’ and check the box for ‘Exhibiting in the Art Show.’