Last Update: 1/18/2003           | ART SHOW General Rules: - Your art should be of a Science Fiction or Fantasy related theme and must not violate existing Copyrights or Trademarks.
- Work must be unique we welcome single, signed, limited-edition prints as well as prints with unique finishing, matting &/or framing as long as those same prints are not available elsewhere at the convention.
- All two-dimensional work must be matted, mounted or framed.
- Please attach the artist’s name and contact information to the back of each piece.
- Each artist may submit a maximum of 25 pieces to the Art Show.
Display Space: - Hanging Art: Space is allocated in 4’ x 4’ pegboard panels (pegboard hooks and binder clips will be provided)
- Three-dimensional art: Tables are available in half table units (30” x 48”)
- Small 3D Pieces: Please protect your small “easily portable” pieces in a display case.
Small items without a case should be securely fashioned to a larger display board or device. - We reserve the right to limit the number of panels and half tables available to each artist.
- Space is allocated on a first come, first choice basis.
Cost: - The cost will be $4.00 per unit (see Display Space for description and measurements).
- A 10% commission will be taken on all sales
- If you mail-in art and/or prints, you will be charged an additional 5% commission (a total of 15%.)
- If you send in your form with payment and we do not have the room to display your art, we will return your check to you, uncashed.
Sales: - All submitted pieces start out in the silent auction, with a Minimum Bid set per piece by the artist.
- Bidding proceeds with subsequent written bids by the attendees (whole dollar amount increases.)
- Pieces receiving four bids will go to the Art Auction on Saturday for further bidding. (This is an increase of one additional bid from last year.)
- If a piece receives the minimum bid but less than four bids, it is sold to the highest bid on the Bid Sheet.
- Items not receiving a minimum bid will be returned to the artist.
Art Auction: - Four bids on a piece will send it to the Voice Art Auction, held Saturday evening.
- Bidding starts at the last written bid on each piece and proceeds (by whole dollar amounts) until a final bid has been placed.
- If no additional bids are received, the piece will be sold to the highest bid on the Bid Sheet.
Artists Challenge: This year’s challenge is to submit a piece of art that combines three of the four following elements: A goat, weather, a labyrinth and worship. The interpretation of this challenge is up to you. Charity Auction: - This year the official charity of Capricon XXIII is Rainbow Animal Assisted Therapy (a not-for-profit volunteer group for children with emotional, mental and/or physical disabilities in the Chicagoland area).
- The Art Show waives all commissions on these pieces, thus allowing the donation of the full purchase price.
- Donated items are assigned a minimum bid of $1.00 and always go to the Art Auction.
- The Art Show reserves the right to limit the number of items accepted for charity.
Awards: The awards are determined by an open vote of the attendees and the results will be announced at the beginning of the Art Auction, Saturday Night. The awards will be presented at the Closing Ceremonies on Sunday. There are five awards this year: - Best work by a Pro
- Best Work by a Semi-Pro
- Best Work by a Fan
- Best Work Overall
- Best Artist’s Challenge
Print Shop - All prints must be labeled with the artist’s name, title of the piece and print shop price.
- There is no maximum number of pieces which may be entered to the Print Shop
- All prints must have a protective covering and we highly recommend that they be mounted, matted or framed. This will ensure that they remain in good shape and attractive to buyers.
- Display will be on the Print Shop pegboard display boards and tables as space allows, in boxes for leafing through after that.
GENERAL INFORMATION Reserving Space: - Complete the attached reservation form and send it to the address shown below.
- Your check for the total of the reserved units MUST accompany the form (made payable to Capricon XXIII)
- There is a limit of four units per artist
- The deadline is December 20th, 2002.
Paperwork: - Upon receipt of your completed reservation form, we will send you the Artist Registration Package which will include Control Sheets for the Art Show and/or Print Shop, and Bid Sheets that can be duplicated as you need.
- The completed Bid Sheets must be attached to each piece of art (if this is not feasible due to the nature of the art, it is your responsibility to ensure that it is obvious which Bid Sheet goes with each piece).
- Each Bid Sheet must have: The Artist’s Name, Title of the Work, Medium, Artist’s Status (Pro/Semi-Pro/Fan), Type of Work (Original/Reproduction) and Minimum Bid.
- Unless you can guarantee that a computer designed piece is a “one of a kind”, it will be considered a Print.
- To display a “not for sale piece” write NFS (Not for Sale) across the bidding area of the Bid Sheet.
- The Control Sheet lists all artworks submitted. Feel free to send your completed sheet ahead of time so that we can enter your information into our system prior to the convention.
Mail-In: - All artwork must be received by January 31st, 2003. It should be sent to:
- Capricon Art Show, c/o A. Epstein & Sons International;
600 West Fulton Street, Chicago, IL 60661 Attention: Todd Birkel - You must include return postage and reusable packing materials in case the art does not sell and needs to be returned to you.
- All return artwork will be shipped via United Parcel Service.
Check-In: Artists may begin checking in Thursday, February 6th, at 2:00 pm. During this process you will: - Obtain your Artist’s Number.
- Turn in your paper work (If you have not already mailed it).
- Learn the location of your units.
- Set up/hang your artwork.
- Check-in continues throughout the Art Show’s hours of operation, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Check-Out: Beginning at 10:30 am on Sunday artists may check out of the Art Show. During this process you will: - Retrieve any unsold artwork.
- Sign all appropriate paperwork.
- Receive a check for your sales less commission and any other items that may need to be addressed.
Artists Using Agents: If you are intending to send a representative to the Art Show to act on your behalf, please provide him/her with a Letter of Authorization signed by you. The letter should contain: The name of the person authorized to act on your behalf; a list of the actions that person is authorized to take on your behalf (e.g., receive money for artwork, present art work for auction, negotiate with Capricon officials regarding sales of art work, negotiate with individuals, etc.); to whom to make checks payable; and the duration of the authorization. Disclaimer: We reserve the right to refuse the exhibition of any piece. Words that are judged to be libelous, plagiaristic, obscene or detrimental to the value of trademarked characters will not be permitted. If you have doubts on a piece, please check with the Art Show Director before the show. Contact us: Feel free to contact us with any questions, etc., at Registration Form: |