Christian B. McGuire
Christian B. McGuire is a lifelong reader of SF and Fantasy, but he'll read pretty much
anything someone suggests he'd enjoy.
He has been active in fandom since the early '80s, joined the LASFS and Time Meddlers in
1986 and his fanac has been spiraling out of control ever since. Christian aspires to the
title Senior Cult Leader (Ret.). He failed to achieve this goal in late August of 2006,
but keeps on trying. Despite therapy he's still keeping up that most expensive hobby;
collecting chairs.
Christian can cavort and spin on a variety of subjects too numerous to list here, but a
modest selection includes fandom, clubs, convention running, Core Fandom, fanzines, reading,
anime, TV (Firefly, BSG, Dr. Who & Torchwood, etc.) & movies old and new.