
If you're not a survivor, you're just a statistic.
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Themed Programming


The convention is almost here and we have some great programming lined up for you.  I will not spoil the surprise by listing everything you will see but here are a few samples to whet your appetite...
Dramatic Readings from Government Survival Publications
Designated readers and volunteers from the audience will read excerpts from some of the finest survival literature in existence. Duck and cover!

Dramatic Readings from the Weekly World News

The WWN is, of course, the world�s finest source of bizarre Armageddon stories, and needless to say, they got even crazier than usual at the end of 1999. Designated readers and volunteers from the audience will attempt to keep a straight face while reading the highlights aloud.

Martha Stewart: Surviving
Share your favorite Spam recipe and hear the latest techniques for adding a charming ruffle to your lead-lined drapes. Capricon�s own Con Suite Ghoddess and other experts prepare you for any occasion that calls for post-apocalyptic entertaining.

Xenoarcheologist�s Road Show: Artifacts that Survived the End of a World
Once again, Dr. Jody Lynn Nye and other distinguished experts show us fascinating objects from the farthest reaches of the galaxy (and try to figure out just what the heck they are). This year, the panel will focus on artifacts discovered on worlds whose ecosystems were catastrophically destroyed.

The Y2K-Compliant Purse: What to Keep Handy During and After Armageddon
Many people lament the size and weight of their purses, backpacks, and briefcases. But if it�s got what you need in it, no matter what, it�s worth the hernia, right? So what can�t you live without when the situation really is life and death?







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